a blog about product, tech, leadership … and life

  • Clean Language

    Clean Language

    Unlocking the power of Questions: A Coach’s Toolkit Forget advice, ditch directives! Questions are the secret weapon in a coach’s arsenal. Why? Because they empower clients to discover their own answers, unearth hidden insights, and chart their unique path forward. But asking good questions? Not always easy. We battle closed-ended queries, unconscious biases, and that…

  • Enter the Strategy Sprint

    Enter the Strategy Sprint

    Oh Gosh, it is that time again. Strategy days … 😱 Sounds familiar? Strategy formulation within companies is often a daunting task, encompassing various facets such as business, product, technology, and organizational strategies. It’s a laborious process, with no definitive playbook on how to approach it. The ambiguity surrounding the concept of strategy itself—what constitutes…

  • Strengthening the Delegation muscle : 7 steps to Freedom, Growth, and Leadership

    Strengthening the Delegation muscle : 7 steps to Freedom, Growth, and Leadership

    Leadership isn’t just about titles and authority; it’s about creating space for others to grow and shine. Delegation, often seen as a mere task-management tool, is in fact a powerful leadership practice that transcends simple workload distribution. It’s about empowering individuals, nurturing potential, and inspiring the next generation of leaders. By delegating effectively, you give…

  • Nurturing leadership excellence

    Nurturing leadership excellence

    As seasoned Agile coaches, we are committed to enhancing team dynamics and driving organizational success. Drawing inspiration from Ruth Wageman work in the book « Senior Leadership Teams: What It Takes to Make Them Great, » we recognize the importance of establishing clear and consistent leadership team norms. These norms, or shared expectations about behavior, lay the…

  • Coaching R&D teams

    Coaching R&D teams

    After my talk at ProductWorld2023 I received a lot of questions, amongst which this one from Abdelillah HASSAM ! “ Might be a wrong question but that’s why I wanted to ask it to you Rachel Dubois. I notice that your are an agile coach for R&D teams.. Do we coach R&D teams the same…

Got any book recommendations?