Clean Language

Unlocking the power of Questions: A Coach’s Toolkit

Forget advice, ditch directives! Questions are the secret weapon in a coach’s arsenal. Why? Because they empower clients to discover their own answers, unearth hidden insights, and chart their unique path forward.

But asking good questions? Not always easy. We battle closed-ended queries, unconscious biases, and that fine line between prodding and privacy. The key? Mindfulness, active listening, and a relentless pursuit of better questioning.

Enter Clean Language: a powerful approach that emphasises clarity, neutrality, and avoiding leading language. Developed by therapist David Grove, it’s all about exploring clients’ inner landscapes without imposing interpretations. By using « clean » questions, coaches spark deeper understanding, unlock transformative shifts, and empower clients to find their own solutions.

Let’s explore the magic ingredient: the Eight fundamental questions of Clean Language. These beauties are all about minimal intervention, guiding clients with questions free of assumptions and judgments :

  • Is there anything else about that … ?
  • What kind of … is that … ?
  • Where is … ?
  • Whereabouts … ?
  • That’s … like what?
  • How many … are there?
  • Is there are relationship between … and … ?
  • Is … the same or different to … ?
  • Is … on the inside or the outside?

By wielding these questions, coaches create a safe space for clients to explore their thoughts, feelings, and perceptions in a non-directive way, fostering introspection and self-discovery.

But Clean Language isn’t limited to this simple list of 8 questions. It’s adaptable! Coaches can use this comprehensive set of « clean » questions to navigate various challenges and facilitate transformative conversations in different scenarios.

Here are some examples:

How to ask for a solution instead of pushing it?

  • What do you think is the reason that is?
  • How do you find out?
  • Could you do something about it?
  • Looking back now, what could you have done differently?
  • What are you going to do differently from now on?
  • What could you do differently in the future?

How to keep the dialogue flowing?

  • (You mention x) and what else?
  • How is that so?
  • Can you give an example of that?
  • Can you tell me about that?
  • Tell me more.
  • Continue.

Also remember that in that situation Silence is a key to open doors, do not say anything after the question and leave room for the answer. Let the other person do the work 😉

How to investigate the filters (conditionings) ?

  • What makes you feel and think this?
  • What does this remind you of? What does this remind you of?
  • What does it evoke in you?
  • Where have you experienced this before?

Asking questions about thinking, emotions, and imagery help unearth core beliefs driving one’s reactions :

  • What thought causes the feeling?
  • What thoughts have that given to you?
  • How did that happen?
  • What questions do you ask yourself?
  • What do you say to yourself?
  • What do you see, hear, feel, hear, smell in that internal experience?

How to ask not only for the inside but also for the external factors ?

  • What is your observable behavior? What can others perceive about you?
  • What do you do (then next) (in this situation)?
  • How are you doing then?
  • How do you look yourself?
  • What is your attitude?
  • What is striking about your posture?
  • How is your muscle tone?
  • What kind of facial expression do you have?
  • How is your breathing ?

And at the end of a coaching session you can completely clean it up with a closing question :

  • Are we ready?
  • Do we have enough answers?
  • Have you been helped?
  • Can you move forward?

Wanna dive deeper?

Check out those great books :

  • « Clean Language: Revealing Metaphors and Opening Minds » by Wendy Sullivan and Judy Rees.
  • « From Contempt to Curiosity: Creating the Conditions for Groups to Collaborate Using Clean Language and Systemic Modeling » by Caitlin Walker.
  • also – to know more about David Grove : “The Work and Life of David Grove: Clean Language and Emergent Knowledge” by  Carol Wilson

For French readers 🇫🇷

  • Manuel de Clean coaching – 2e édition by Bogena Anna PIESKIEWICZ – a must read IMHO
  • Des métaphores dans la tête – Transformation par la Modélisation Symbolique et le Clean Language by James Lawley and Penny Tompkins
  • and also this one : Guide pratique du Clean Coaching by Chloé Nortier and Jean-Baptiste Nortier ⇒ this one is very new (nov. 2023 so i haven’t had the chance to read it yet, it is still high in my reading list – but i trust Chloe for having written a great book)

Wanna discover by practicing ? Consider attending  the great worksessions by Sarah Scarratt and Rachel Gilmore from




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