Kategorie: Thinking💡

  • The Rise of Product Ops: A Modern Solution for Agile Organizations 💡

    The Rise of Product Ops: A Modern Solution for Agile Organizations 💡

    As someone who’s been navigating the tech industry since the early 2000s, I’ve witnessed firsthand the evolution of product management and the emergence of Product Ops as a game-changer. 🚀 Originally integrated into product marketing or management, this function has gained prominence, spurred by the need for leaner, more efficient processes and empowered by advanced…

  • FUEL your Coaching toolkit! 🚀

    FUEL your Coaching toolkit! 🚀

    Are you ready to take your coaching sessions to unprecedented heights? In this Tools & Tips article, we unravel the transformative power of the FUEL coaching model developed by John Zenger and Kathleen Stinnett. Originating from their book « The Extraordinary Coach: How the Best Leaders Help Others Grow, Â» FUEL offers a dynamic and adaptable framework…

  • Why agile coaches are the best choice when hiring your next COO?

    Why agile coaches are the best choice when hiring your next COO?

    In the face of today’s radical business landscape, pushed by the world’s economic tsunami, traditional leadership models and old ways of working often find themselves floundering. Business agility, organisational adaptability, and a deep understanding of people are no longer luxuries, they’re survival necessities.  This begs the question: where will tomorrow’s leaders emerge from? The answer…

  • Data-Driven decisions make agile wings flap!

    Data-Driven decisions make agile wings flap!

    aka Ditching gut feelings for smarter organisations I’ve spent 20 years in the tech trenches, navigating the exhilarating chaos of product management and the agile revolution. One constant I’ve observed? We agilists preach flexibility, adaptation, and rapid iteration. Yet, our decisions often remain stubbornly rooted in instinct or experience, sometimes brilliant, sometimes…well, let’s just say…

  • Clean Language

    Clean Language

    Unlocking the power of Questions: A Coach’s Toolkit Forget advice, ditch directives! Questions are the secret weapon in a coach’s arsenal. Why? Because they empower clients to discover their own answers, unearth hidden insights, and chart their unique path forward. But asking good questions? Not always easy. We battle closed-ended queries, unconscious biases, and that…

  • Enter the Strategy Sprint

    Enter the Strategy Sprint

    Oh Gosh, it is that time again. Strategy days … 😱 Sounds familiar? Strategy formulation within companies is often a daunting task, encompassing various facets such as business, product, technology, and organizational strategies. It’s a laborious process, with no definitive playbook on how to approach it. The ambiguity surrounding the concept of strategy itself—what constitutes…

  • Strengthening the Delegation muscle : 7 steps to Freedom, Growth, and Leadership

    Strengthening the Delegation muscle : 7 steps to Freedom, Growth, and Leadership

    Leadership isn’t just about titles and authority; it’s about creating space for others to grow and shine. Delegation, often seen as a mere task-management tool, is in fact a powerful leadership practice that transcends simple workload distribution. It’s about empowering individuals, nurturing potential, and inspiring the next generation of leaders. By delegating effectively, you give…

  • Nurturing leadership excellence

    Nurturing leadership excellence

    As seasoned Agile coaches, we are committed to enhancing team dynamics and driving organizational success. Drawing inspiration from Ruth Wageman work in the book „Senior Leadership Teams: What It Takes to Make Them Great,“ we recognize the importance of establishing clear and consistent leadership team norms. These norms, or shared expectations about behavior, lay the…

  • Coaching R&D teams

    Coaching R&D teams

    After my talk at ProductWorld2023 I received a lot of questions, amongst which this one from Abdelillah HASSAM ! “ Might be a wrong question but that’s why I wanted to ask it to you Rachel Dubois. I notice that your are an agile coach for R&D teams.. Do we coach R&D teams the same…